使役動詞 let, have, make, get 的用法
使役動詞 let, have, make, get 的用法
Teacher Sammy
Teacher Sammy
July 09, 2010
1 min
let, have, make, get 等字在文法上被稱作 使役動詞
因為它們的意思都是允許, , 命令別人去做什麼事
但麻煩的是它們後面接了受詞以後, 再接原形動詞, to V, 還是 p.p. 就不一定了
這個也是 TOEIC 愛考的文法重點之一
(1) let (允許; ) 的用法 let + 受詞 + 原形動詞 (允許 / ...去做...) (主動語態, 受詞去做某件事)
: Jenny’s mother doesn’t let her go out at night.
They won’t let us pass.
let + 受詞 + be p.p. (允許 / ......) (被動語態, 受詞被...)
: How could you let your mother be insulted like that? (insult 侮辱)
I won’t let my daughter be treated that way. (我不會讓我女兒受到那種待遇)
(2) have (使; ; 命令) 的用法 have + 受詞 + 原形動詞 (使 / ... 去做...) : The teacher had us clean up the classroom.
My boss had me work overtime again.
have + 受詞 + p.p. (使 ... ... ) : We have our office cleaned every weekend.
You need to have the document verified by the government.
(3) make (迫使) 的用法 make + 受詞 + 原形動詞 (迫使... 去做...) : My boss made me rewrite the report.
The policeman made the man move his car.
make + 受詞 + 形容詞 (使 ... 變得 ... ) : The movie always makes me sad.
Don’t make the problem worse than it is. (別把問題弄得比現在更糟)
make + 受詞 + p.p. (使 ... ... )

: Make yourself known to the guard when you pass the gate.
(當你通過大門時, 要讓警衛知道你的身份)
make + 受詞 + 另一名詞 (使 ... 成為 ... )

: Talent and hard work made her a super star.
The CEO made Mr. Simms head of accounting.
(4) get (使得; 命令) 的用法 get + 受詞 + to V (使得 ... 去做 ... )

: How did you get Tom to clean his room?
Joan got her husband to buy her a big diamond ring.
get + 受詞 + p.p. (使得 ... ...) : The accident got Kevin fired.
Please get the job done as soon as possible.
現在請各位來練習看看, 填入正確的動詞形式:
1. When did you have your office ______ (paint)?
2. The police got the man _____ (admit) that he killed the woman.
3. She has never tried to make her children _____ (do) anything they don’t enjoy.
4. The government doesn’t let meat _____ (import).
5. We have to get the contract _____ (sign) today.
6. The movie star doesn’t let her children _____ (photograph) by reporters.
7. The manager had everyone _____ (work) on the weekend.

1. repainted 2. to admit 3. do 4. be imported 5. signed
6. be photographed 7. work




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Teacher Sammy

Teacher Sammy

英語老師, 作者, 部落客




